Prodigy Junior Kidz, Wagholi, Pune

Gat No. 720 (1&2) Wagholi, Pune-Ahmednagar Highway, Tal-Haveli, Dist- Pune, 412207
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  • School Timing

    08:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Our senses are the way that we explore the world and understand what is going on around us. Teaching our kids about their senses is very important. Activities that stimulate the senses help the brain to develop and function at its peak. Teaching the kids about the five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, touch) is a good way to help them understand their bodies. A theme or lesson in the five senses is also great for self esteem because they are discovering new and exciting things about themselves. Multisensory activities are a good thing. Getting all of the senses involved in learning is the ideal to make well rounded, intelligent children.
Prodigy Junior Kidz had recently introduced the theme of the five senses to the children. In this theme we took the kids on a sensory stroll. Walk around outside and have the kids examine the world using their senses. We gave the information about importance of these five sense organs. Different games were organized like a food sensory stall were children have to taste different food items and tell the taste, we then took them to music room for to show them the importance of auditory senses.
It was fun to experiment with our senses. Children enjoyed this activity with great zeal.